Hi! I'm Jan.
Don't be defined by your imperfections. Rather, let your imperfections be your guiding light defining your path to greatness!
I believe that we should not be defined by our imperfections, rather, we should use them as a guiding light to greatness. I used to feel like I was living in the shadows, with my creativity and potential held back by Tourettes and the belief that I was not smart enough.
I spent my life trying to please others and be accepted, but at age 32, I reached a breaking point. I was tired of being an emotional leach and not being in control of my own happiness. I decided to take control of my life and began the process of reinventing myself.
I went back to school and got my degree in marketing, and took an unconventional job writing an entrepreneurial career program for youth offenders in a juvenile prison.
It was hard, but through overcoming limiting beliefs, building my self-esteem, and finding self-love, I gained self-respect and a sense of purpose. I now teach women how to change their mindset and empower them to build their best lives.